Lifestyle tool
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Explore your retirement lifestyle in 5 minutes.
Pension Potential chatbot icon
Before you begin, you’ll need to know the total of all your pensions. You may have multiple pensions if you have worked at different companies.

Retirement Living Standards

You typically need around two-thirds of your salary to maintain the lifestyle you are used to. To help you understand how your pension can afford a specific lifestyle, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association classify retirement in three different levels.

Minimum lifestyle


Single £14,400
Couple £22,400

A ‘minimum’ lifestyle covers all your needs, with some left over for fun and social occasions.

Moderate lifestyle


Single £31,300
Couple £43,100

A ‘moderate’ lifestyle provides more financial security and more flexibility.

Comfortable lifestyle


Single £43,100
Couple £59,000

A lifestyle that allows you to be more spontaneous with your money.

Amounts are gross, per annum.